Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last Blog

Oh the bittersweet end... I have learned and observed many new things this year. I learned how to analyze literature in a way that makes sense to me. I made countless connections between stories relayed through writing, movies, tv, plays/theatre and stories I have heard by way of mouth. I have began to explore organizing my thoughts through writing them down. It can be very comforting and informational to spill your guts and thoughts onto a page and then sift through them. Being in this class this semester I have also learned a lot about people that I otherwise would have just walked passed on campus like two trains in the night. And that is a sneak peak into a crazy variety of personalities and interests. Another thing I have learned about myself is that I have a very pathetic attention span. I need to continue reading and writing in my free time not only to improve my attention span but to become more interesting as well. I think overall I took a lot away from this class and as well as the people in it.

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