Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Groundhogs Day...

Today was one of those days where I tried to be productive but at the end of it felt like I had gotten nothing done. Laundry, vacuuming and multiple attempts at reading and homework. On days like this where I don't have classes and recently became unemployed (my place of business went out of business) I find myself bored and lazy. When I'm busy I feel as if I am forced to get all my required tasks done in a timely matter. I am much less likely to fill my day with pointless busywork and tv when my schedule is tight. I know what days I'm able to to waste time and which ones I have to put the petal to the metal. Being an extremely uneventful day I have picked up my room, vacuumed, put the dishes away, and did about 3 loads of laundry. All of these things are pretty out of the ordinary for me since I am a pretty messy person but man, they beat homework any time! Now I am gonna paint my nails and continue to procrastinate anything pressing.

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