Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where Are You Going Vs. Small Talk

It is pretty commonly known that the book is always better than the movie. This is true in the case of Where Are You Going and Where Have You Been vs. Small Talk. The reason I think the written version by Joyce Carol Oates is better is because the ending is unknown. The reader does not know for sure what happened to Connie after being seduced and leaving with Arnold Friend. Arnold Friend is a very unsettling character in both the story and the film. His character in Small Talk is a lot like what I imagined him being like in Where are you Going. His lurking presence and creepy way of talking made me feel dirty and nervous in both story and film. Connie too was a lot like I imagined from the story. Curious but uneasy she questioned Arnold Friend leading herself deeper and deeper into a trap. I guess she probably should have gone to that barbecue.


First of all I love this assignment because I eavesdrop any way. School is my favorite place to people watch and eavesdrop. I have a hard time studying in the library or sub because I get so distracted by other people's conversations.
In the sub:
2 girls sitting directly behind me.
girl 1: She is not happy because she had to stay home sick all weekend
girl2: She is not happy because her boyfriend got drunk and they got in a fight at a party and broke up for the night. Ugh she is soooo sick of drama!

4boys sitting next to me:
I actually have no clue what they are talking about. They must be in engineering or something.

2girls and 1boy:
Talking about the girls weekend trip to Great Falls to watch a little sis play highschool basketball. Boy went home for the weekend. Don't know where home is or who won.

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