Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Could I remain in a city that is founded on a secret as well as the torture of an innocent child?

After repeatedly asking myself and pondering the question, I just can't decide. Of course I say that I would do anything in my power to endure a wonderful life for all the people that I love and care about. Keeping and living with a terrible secret would be an easy way to make this possible in the situation in OMELAS, however I have always thought it equally important to protect the inncoent and advocate for youth. After going around and around with this in my head, I came to the conclusion that I hope I would stand by if I ever really had to. I would NOT support the torturing of an innocent child. I would try to take care of and support the people I love without the unjust suffering of and horrible treatment of a child.

Tragic Sense of Life...

I have always tried to avoid obsessing over reasons and purpose in life. I personally believe that each person has a different purpose and are all after individual deeper meanings. What I personally feel is the purpose of life is to live comfortably, happily, and productively, I think I am meant to be a mother at some point and to teach. Whether I am teaching my own children or a class full of first graders I want to give knowledge. I also do not fear death I can only hope to fulfill my dreams and goals before it is my time.

Googled meaning: A new approach is based on a view of tragedy as a mod of expirience a particular way of viewing life.

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